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Bellini Club (Mainz)

3. August 2019 | 23:00

Eintritt: 12 €

Psychedelic Summer

Indoor and outdoor event / chillout outdoor
Summer is the season of the year that gives us more energy.
Come and dance with us.
Let’s go through all our energy in this ritual and celebrate the psychadelic summer.

  • de Huebbi
  • Goabba
  • Cosmic ko
  • Captain Balu

DECO TEAM: Papillion Decoration


Please respect the place and everyone present at the event.

Anfahrt via S-Bahn (S8), der Bahnhof Mainz Nord ist nur 2 Min. Fußweg entfernt.
Für Autofahrer sind ausreichend Parkplätze vorhanden.



Bellini Club (Mainz)
Rheinallee 159
Mainz, 55120

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