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MTW Club (Offenbach)
11. Oktober 2024 | 23:00
If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruel and without mercy.
We’re back! Did you miss us?
We picked quite the date for our reunion. It’s been two years since the first legendary showcase we hosted at MTW Club.
That’s why we want to invite all of you to our biggest showcase yet. 1000 ravers with an all-new main floor of our beloved MTW Club that just finished renovations to give you an all-new rave experience.
For the occasion, we invited our friends from Haus33 for a one-of-a-kind showcase. Hard Techno, Hard Trance, Hard Dance, and more on two floors with acts you all know and love!
Our main floor headliners will turn the floor into a hot steamy dream. Or nightmare. Whichever you prefer.
We will announce acts regularly so follow to stay up to date. Full line up will be revealed on September 2nd.